Shareholder and Operating Agreements
- Employment Contracts: Physicians, Nurse Practions
Labor and Employment Issues
Vendor Agreements: EMR/EHR, Billing
Practice Acquisitions, Sale and Dissolution
Compliance, Coding and Billing
- Policies and Procedures
- Succession Planning
Medicare and Medicaid Reimbursement and Appeals
Stark Law and Anti-kickback Statutes
Government Audits and Investigations
- DHP Actions, Licensure and Investigations
Board Investigations including Board of Medicine
Certificates of Public Need
Medical Staff Issues, Privileges, Credentialing
Risk and Practice Management
False Claims Act
Whistleblower Cases
Insurance Company Disputes
Healthcare Provider Contracts
Compliance Programs, Self-Disclosure
Shareholder and Operating Agreements
- Negotiating sale and joint venture agreements
- Forming an LLC and partnerships
- Drafting and reviewing of sale, title and lease documentations
- Reviewing and negotiating Independent contractor agreements
- Overseeing restructuring and workout agreements
- Structuring financing
- Advising on whether to purchase or lease real estate